Letterbox Marketing Is Still A Great Option For Advertising

Letterbox Marketing is still one of the most effective ways to advertise in 2021 and according to The Catalogue Association, 90% of consumers value addressed and non-addressed mail as a way of receiving advertising.

In this blog post, we look at how to make your leaflet or flyer get the attention of your target audience.

1. Know Your Audience

If you’re about to advertise, then you probably have a fair understanding of what your target audience looks like.  Make sure you get to know them well before starting on your brochure.  Are they male/female?  How old are they? Do they live in Auckland or all over NZ? Keep digging and get specific, this will help with your design and targeting of your advertising material.  Are you still not 100% sure what you’re audience looks like or loves?  Then why not try a survey amongst friends and family, or within a facebook group in your industry, we like Mailchimp’s survey feature.

2. Design

Nothing spells unprofessional or “shoddy” like a badly designed advertising piece.  Ensure your advertising is fitting to your work or brand by hiring a graphic designer that can match what you’re trying to sell to your audience.  Here at PrintSaver we have an inhouse design studio with professional designers that know print well, get in touch for a free quote.

3. A Stand Out Headline

This is your chance to grab attention and stand out from the crowd – make it bold and worth a second look.  What is your target audience going to get excited over?

letterbox marketing

4. Call To Action

This is the ‘Piece de resistance’, incredibly it’s often missed or so small that the customer is left pondering how to take you up on your incredible offer.  Ensure you have a clear instruction on how your customer is going to get in touch, buy or redeem from your flyer.  Again, think of your target market and make it easy for them to want to use your service or product.
Below are some examples of CTA’s that can work well:
  • A no-obligation offer – remove or reduce the risk.  This gives people the confidence to buy, in other words “try us, you’ll like us”.
  • Tell the customer what they need to do.  “Go online to redeem 20% off”, “Send in this coupon to get your sample”, “Call now for a free no obligation quote”.
  • Encourage them to respond straight away, i.e.  “This deal is only available while stocks last”.

5. Be Memorable

Avoid the cookie cutter design and stock standard text of previous flyers. Customers will remember something humorous, shocking, or relatable.  Give your brand a life, tell a story or solve a problem for them.

6. Find a Reputable Printer & Distributor

Once the designer has finalised your letterbox marketing campaign, it’s time to print your advertising piece and send to a distribution company for delivery.  The complete process can be fairly daunting as requires a great deal of time and effort finding the right people to complete all the tasks involved.  If you would prefer an easy solution that doesn’t involve having to find a designer, printer and distributor, here at PrintSaver we have the complete package ready and waiting for you at extremely competitive prices.  So get in touch today for a free quote.

7. Reap the Rewards


Check out what some of our customers have had to say from their letterbox marketing campaigns:

“Our last flyer drop had one of the highest lead generation rates than any flyers we have done before.  We measure this by the 0800 number and people who mention on the website enquiry form that it prompted them to seek Caci.” Melissa Bailey – Marketing Account Manager, Caci Clinic.

“15 years ago we got 42 hot leads from our first advert, it changed the way I viewed direct mail”.  Mark Ralph – CEO, TimberTECH.


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