Attention Grabbing

The media/ marketing environment is always changing, especially in the digital sense. Here, we look into ACA (Australsian Catalogue Association) research unveiling the truth behind the attention grabbing power of catalogues, flyers, and direct mail.

If you can get your flyer into a potential customer’s letterbox, that’s one small step for a postie – one giant leap for your company’s reach.


Print media such as magazines and catalogues are considered among the most trusted media, generally they are read because someone has consciously made an effort to read them. Often when people read, they have to pay full attention to what they are reading. However, in comparison, 74% of people will use dual screens while watching TV, meaning they will have a mobile, tablet or computer active at the same time and therfore not concentrating fully on what they are watching/hearing.

Print media is often memorable because it engages more of the senses with the feel and smell of the paper. What this means is that catalogues and unaddressed mailings can have more of an impact on people’s overall perception of a brand. In this respect print media can have a similar experience to a store, where customers create an affinity with a business based on it’s aesthetics.

Browsing Experience

Catalogues still provide a convenient viewing experience for customers. Customers can visualise and take note of what they want and either go online (48%) to make an order, or head in-store (40%) when they’re ready.

Similarly, mailers and flyers with strong imagery of products and services can remind customers about who you are,what you specialise in and how they can benefit from you. So, while they may not purchase anything immediately, catalogues and flyers can create buyer awareness, putting your business at the forefront of your potential customers mind and therfore influencing future purchasing decisions.

There are three main reasons why unaddressed mail feeds future purchasing decisions. The first is for pre-planned purchases where customers can compare different products, the second is to get gift ideas and the third is for purchasing unintended products. The ACA Report  for 2015/16 mentions that it has been found that unaddressed mail has influenced 79% of customers to make a purchase in the future.

Demographics for Catalogues

Printed catalogues can have a high level of reach with at least 70% of all New Zealanders aged 14+ reading a catalogue in a monthly period. The highest readership group are those aged between 40–49 years, followed by the younger age group of 18–29 year olds. Not only that, printed catalogues are recognised as the most influential media when it comes to purchasing decisions.

Contact Printsaver today if you are wanting to hear more about unaddressed mail and distribution and hear how we can help your business.

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